Project Reports

Report of Seminar on Contemporary World Order & Devil's Possible System in Philosophy of Iqbal

MUSLIM Institute organized a seminar on “Contemporary World Order & Devil’s Possible System in Philosophy of Iqbal” on Tuesday 11th November2014 at Govt. Post Graduate College for Women Rawalpindi. Renowned academicians, scholars and analysts as well as large number of students of different colleges and universities participated in the same.

Session 1

Welcoming Remarks
Prof. Dr. Aalia Sohail Khan
Principal, Govt. Post Graduate College for Women (GPGCW) Rawalpindi

I welcome you all in today’s event on behalf of College administration and students. Dr. Muhammad Iqbal was an international thinker, great philosopher, poet, founder of the concept of independent state for the Muslims of the Sub-continent and cherisher of pain for the Muslim world. His poetry teaches love for Allah Almighty and His Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). He awakened the Muslims of sub-Continent due to which people had new ideas in political and economic fields. Iqbal’s poetry forces one to be practical and move forward by exploring new dimensions of one’s self and have new spirit. Today’s event is especially to make youth aware of Iqbal’s message and today we can progress and achieve excellence if we adopt Iqbal’s teachings and practice them.


Opening Remarks
Sahibzada Sultan Ahmad Ali
Chairman, MUSLIM Institute

I am very thankful to all honorable guests and especially to the college administration for collaborating with MUSLIM Institute to organize seminar on Iqbal’s poem ‘The Devil’s Conference’ which reflects zenith of Iqbal’s political wisdom in which he has discussed decline of Muslim world and the current world order. This poem is written in a dramatic way in which devil addresses his advisors and then they discuss different matters and in the end again devil concludes. All of Iqbal’s predictions made in it have come to be true. Iqbal analyzed that communism in not a danger for devil’s system but the Muslims’ spirit and wee hours sighs before Allah are. The fall of communism after seventy years has proved his predictions to be true. According to Iqbal, devil is afraid of spiritual awakening of Muslims, which is strength of Muslims and builds their character. Iqbal’s concept of self (Khudi) also stands on spiritual basis and the same is the message of Sufis which can protect our values as Allama Iqbal says:

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Delve into your soul and there seek our life’s buried tracks.

And Hadrat Sultan Bahoo describes the same philosophy:

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The body of yours is the dwelling of true Sustainer O mystic glance in your inner self Hoo


Tableau Performance

Students of College presented tableau performance on Iqbal’s poem ‘The Devil’s Conference’.

Session 2

Rana Abdul Baqi
Editor South Asian Pulse& Founder of Jinnah Iqbal Fikri Forum

Western capitalist system is dying in front of rising economy of China. While talking about Iqbal’s concept of kingdom of poor, we have to keep in mind all the aspects. Western democracy is perceived as a government elected by the people but the opinion of majority is considered to be implemented without moral, ethical or social check. Malaysia’s former PM Mahathir Mohamad said that the narrative of west to claim western democracy as a system of complete freedom for human race is not understandable because liberal democracy is much more dangerous than the present system in Muslim countries. Our religion (Islam) takes care of morality and ethics. Actually Mahathir Mohamad has interpreted the Iqbal’s vision. Without unity of Muslim world, Iqbal’s dream is incomplete.


Ms. Ayesha Masood Malik
Renowned Columnist & Poet

Pakistan movement was one of the greatest movements of the world and hundreds of thousands of youngsters became part of it. This movement was actually practical form of Iqbal’s vision. Iqbal felt the pain of Muslims in his heart. Youth’s preference of comfortable life instead of practice was cause of pain for Iqbal. Today we need to combine the energy of youth and power of belief and by doing so we can become independent of other’s support. Iqbal described religion as part of culture which gives rise to knowledge. Today youth doesn’t need to remain away from other cultures but they need to analyze how to remain intact with their own culture and belief and tradition like Iqbal did. By weak beliefs, nations move towards decline. Iqbal was convinced that West is only edifying the intellect but not the spirit and we need to edify both. In his views, west doesn’t have the eternal love (Ishq) which can bring respect of human in true sense and can guarantee the evolution of life.


Dr. Talib Hussain Sial
Director IRD, International Islamic University Islamabad

Western system focuses the freedom of individual (individualism) whereas communism focuses the overall society. Karl Marx discussed the matters of this world and said that God is not essential and man is essential. He emphasized to discuss the problems faced by human in society and due to this philosophy socialism attracted the common person and spread across vast area. At that time Iqbal wrote the poem ‘Devil’s Conference’ in which devil’s advisors appears afraid of communism but Devil explains them that it hasn’t universality and the ultimate truth and thus it would fall very soon.

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How could I be frightened by these Socialists, straying about the streets?
Wretched and straitened, distracted in mind, incoherent in speech!

According to this poem, devil has real danger from Islam but today we are unfortunately following capitalism. Devil is happy with the Muslim’s sectarian divide and violence which are against their basic duties. Iqbal has focused on character that our progress is only possible via individual and collective character building.


Dr. Muhammad Hamid
Executive Director Zawiya Academy

Iqbal focuses the individual and individual’s glory lies in character building. Iqbal said that the comfort of body is of no value and feeling others’ pain is the true spirit. This can be attained only by purification of self which is impossible without waking up early in morning and shedding tears before Allah Almighty. Until rich people of nation feel the pain of poor, we cannot resolve our problems and cannot progress. Iqbal described that he has observed in the world that the eyes of capitalists shed tears rarely. In Iqbal’s poem ‘Devil’s Conference’ the devil is afraid of the cravings and morning tears of Muslims. Iqbal said that the purpose of education and skills is to serve others as it has been the profession of Holy Prophets. Iqbal was never disappointed from the Muslims and was very hopeful for their progress.


Dr. Ayub Sabir
Renowned Expert on Iqbaliat

The concept of fate has been discussed by all the nations and so did the Muslim world. Muslim world was divided in two schools of thoughts regarding it. One was fatalist who said that everything is according to pre decided fate and nothing can be changed by us. This was against the teachings of Islam. The other group was of those who believed that Allah Almighty has given choice to us and due to this choice there is concept of right and wrong. Iqbal pointed that worship of fate instead of Allah Almighty is one of major reasons of decline of Muslim Ummah due to which one ignores the practice. Real faith lies between fate, act, authority and planning. Iqbal urged to awake one’s self and make it subservient to Allah Almighty’s will. Iqbal emphasized on action so that Muslim world can recover from its decline by leaving worship of fate. According to Iqbal, true love of Holy Prophet (PBUH) is the real faith in Islam. The concept of self-described by Iqbal is actually the true love of Allah Almighty and His Holy Prophet (PBUH) and this love can take one’s self to the heights where one’s will and fate are combined.


Lt. Gen (R) Abdul Qayyum
Defense & Political Analyst

In the Western system, media and market are free and ownership of property is allowed for individuals. It allows any kind of trade even non ethical i.e. drugs or alcohol etc. In this system rich are becoming even richer and poor becoming poorer. In contrast to it there is socialism which has dictatorial rules where there is no concept of free market and ownership of property. Iqbal was neither in favor of capitalism nor in socialism or communism. He was in favor of Islamic system which is described in Holy Quran and Holy Sunnah. He was against the materialism and gave his philosophy even before Muslim world discovered resources of oil and gas. He based his philosophy on self-awakening and love of Holy Prophet (PBUH). He was against free thinking in absence of intellect. Iqbal’s poor friendly thoughts affected the poets afterwards like Faiz Ahmad Faiz and Ahmad Nadeem Qasmi.


Mr. Akram Zaki
Former Senator &Secy. Gen. for Foreign Affairs

Iqbal gave the concept of Shaheen (Eagle) to make the destination as high as skies and this symbol is also used in logo of MUSLIM Institute which describes its destination. Today’s event proves that we are educating our youth as well as giving mental and spiritual training to them. Islam has given women equal status in society. Every newly born child is innocent and these are our deeds which make us good or bad. Iqbal wanted that youngsters should practice Islam in real sense. Pinnacle of truth and reality is the religion of Holy Prophet (PBUH) and Iqbal was true lover of Holy Prophet (PBUH). Iqbal said that the free thinking can be source of progress if our philosophy and faith is right. We should avoid self-deception and by leaving myths should play our role for betterment of society. We have to overcome violence in society by holding the flag of peace.


Concluding Remarks
Sahibzada Sultan Ahmad Ali
Chairman, MUSLIM Institute

Iqbal’s predictions regarding devil and his system have become true. Devil wants to destroy our relation with spirit of Holy Prophet (PBUH) which is our spiritual power. Today people use abusive language against Iqbal which seems according to Iqbal’s own prediction made in another poem ‘Devil To His Political Offspring‘ that:

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Iqbal’s breath fans the poppy into flame—
Such minstrels from the flower?garden expel!

We have spiritual relation with Iqbal and will never let him go. This nation has duty to pay the debit of Iqbal by beating devil. Khalifa Abdul Hakeem said that Iqbal is poet of Holy Quran but he is also Quran of poets. Iqbal said that without diving in Holy Quran, we cannot become good Muslim. Future belongs to Iqbal.


Note of Thanks
Prof. Dr. Aalia Sohail Khan
Principal of GPGCW, Rawalpindi

It is very difficult to cover the philosophy of thinkers like Iqbal but I am thankful to all guests and scholars who enlightened us by philosophy of Iqbal. I am thankful to all of you to accept our invitation and participate in today’s event. I am very thankful to MUSLIM Institute and its Chairman and congratulate them for organizing this successful event in collaboration with GPGCW. Besides this I also appreciate the efforts of departments of Urdu & Fine Arts of GPGCW. I will end with the faith that no power of world can take out the spirit of Holy Prophet (PBUH) from ourselves.

At the end of seminar, shields were presented to the honorable speakers.


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