On 06 October, 2012 MUSLIM Institute organised round table discussion on the topic “Pak Russia Relations: An Overview and Future Strategy”. Air Marshal (R) Shaid Latif and Maj(R) Raja Mujtaba were honorable experts on the occasion.
Following recommendations in the light of views of honourable speakers and contribution of the participants are made for making future strategy regarding warm Pak Russia relations:-
Pakistan and Russain need to forget the past and make sincere resolve to improve relations. In this regard, Pakistan needs to adopt balanced foreign policy according priority to its own interests and without being labelled with any bloc.
The postponed visit of the Russian President may be materialised in near future to deprive the anti forces of any opportunity to impede imrovement in Pak Russia relations.
Pakistan and Russia need to expolore areas of investment for mutual benefit. To begin with, energy sector would be best option as it will help mitigate our energy crises.
In addition to improving biltareal relations, Pakistan and Russia must interact at miltilateral forums for strengthening regional cooperation as it will help overcome irritants not only in Pak Russia bilateral relations but also in relations among various countries of the region.
Relations among countries like human relations pass through evolutionary process. Hence, Pak Russia relations may be allowed to grow on the same pattern. We may not expect strategic breakthrough at the outset. Such milestones come with strong bond and unflinching trust. Once that zennith is achieved in our relations with Russia, then we may expect it to play its role in resolving our outstanding issues with the neighbouring countries.
Despite hurdles, Pakistan and Russia must continue their frequent interaction as it will help correct any misperceptions or settle any misgivings. Strengthening of Pak Russia relations is in the interest on not only both countries but also the entire region.
Pakistan and Russia need to enhance the Technological cooperation and can work together on space technology. They can collaborate in defense, especially to enhance capacity of Navel and Air forces.