MUSLIM Institute organized a round table discussion on “Gaza Israel Current Conflict and Responsibilities of International Community” on 19 Nov, 2012 in Islamabad. Mr. Husni M. Abu Ghosh, representative of the Palestinian mission in Pakistan, renowned columnist Rana Abdul Baqi and former Ambassador Amir Anwar Shadani were speakers on the occasion. Research associates of the MUSLIM Institute as well as from other think-tanks participated in the same.
The Palestinian representative Mr. Husni M. Abu Ghosh thanked MUSLIM Institute for arranging the event as the same would be helpful in highlighting the Palestinian issue and promote public awareness about the same. In his address, he highlighted the plight of people of Gaza, who are not allowed to move outside Gaza or undertake some construction work. He stated that Gaza has been under attack in the past too. The Israelis always have so-called pretext of self-defense which is also supported by the west.
Renowned columnist Rana Abdul Baqi expressing his views stated that Palestinian issue is not new; it is the outcome of conspiracies hatched to dismember Ottoman Caliphate. France and Britain deceived the Arabs to assist them in toppling Ottoman Empire and in return assured that the Arabs would remain safe. In reality, they created Israel in the heart of Arab lands. He highlighted that Quaid-i-Azam, on a number of occasions, condemned persecution of Palestinians and opposed division of Palestine/ creation of Israel.
Former Ambassador Amir Anwar Shadani, in his address, stated that Palestinians are leading miserable life like open air prisoners and have been facing crisis like situation since long. The current spate seems to be an attempt to eliminate Hamas leadership. The Israeli propaganda that Iran made rockets being fired from Gaza have been intercepted may be a ploy to prepare ground for some kind of offensive against Iran. He opined that the Palestinian issue may not be resolved through armed means; instead negotiations may lead to its settlement.
In the end following resolutions were adopted:-
- The ongoing Israeli aggression against Palestinians is condemnable and world powers should take all necessary steps to immediately stop the same.
- The UN and other humanitarian agencies should make necessary arrangements for provision of food, medical facilities and other amenities to those besieged in Gaza.
- The UN should honor its own resolutions regarding settlement of Palestinian issue and ensure the same are implemented in letter and spirit.
- The Muslim countries should have a serious review of their policies on the Palestinian crisis; they should adopt a united stance for its peaceful settlement and take practical steps in that direction.