MUSLIM Institute organized a Round Table Discussion “Sufism & Peace: Case Study of Indonesia & Pakistan” on Tuesday, February 27, 2018 at a local hotel in Islamabad. Ambassador (R) Ms. Fauzia Nasreen (Head, CPS, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Islamabad) chaired the session whereas Mr. Musurifun Lajawa (DHM, Embassy of Indonesia, Islamabad) was chief guest on the occasion. Speakers of the discussion included Mr. Sofiudin (Researcher, Nahdlatul Ulema, Indonesia), Mr. Fathoni Riza (Superintendent, Indonesian National Police), Dr. Tughral Yamin (Associate Dean, CIPS, National University of Science & Technology, Islamabad) and Dr. Mujeeb Ahmad (Chairman, History Dept, International Islamic University, Islamabad). Mr. Ahmad AlQadri (Research Associate MUSLIM Institute) made an introductory presentation whereas Mr. Tahir Mehmood (Public Relations Coordinator, MUSLIM Institute) gave welcome remarks and vote of thanks. Mr. Asif Tanveer Awan Advocate (Research Associate, MUSLIM Institute) moderated the proceedings. Researchers, academicians, students and people from different walks of life participated in the discussion.