MUSLIM Institute organized Round Table Discussion “Islamophobia: Prevailing Trends and Remedial Measures” on Thursday, March 21, 2019 at Islamabad. Senator Raja Zafar ul Haq (Secy. Gen. Motamar Al-Alam Al-Islam (World Muslim Congress)) chaired the session. Sahibzada Sultan Ahmad Ali (Chairman MUSLIM Institute) delivered the opening remarks. Mr. Ahmer Bilal Soofi (Former Minister of Law & Justice), Sahibzada Ameer Sultan (Member National Assembly, Pakistan), Dr. Maria Sultan (Director General, South Asian Strategic Stability Institute, Islamabad), (Prof. Dr. Tughral Yamin (Associate Dean, Centre for International Peace & Stability, NUST, Islamabad), Amb (R) Amir A. Shadani (Former Ambassador of Pakistan), Prof. Dr. Muhammad Khan (Dept. of Politics & IR, International Islamic University, Islamabad), Dr. Bakare Najimdeen (Peace and Conflict Studies, National University of Science & Technology (NUST), Islamabad) and Dr. Sarwat Rauf (Dept. of IR, National University of Modern Language (NUML), Islamabad) were guest speakers on the occasion. Mr. M. Hamza Iftikhar (Research Associate, MUSLIM Institute) made the introductory presentation and also presented the recommendations of discussion. Mr. Usman Hasan (Research Associate, MUSLIM Institute) moderated the proceedings.