Pakistanis once again made history today. To spread the true message of Islam, that is, "Islam is peace," more than twenty thousand people from across the country came together to shape themselves as a mosque at the Shrine of Hadrat Sultan Bahoo, Shorkot, Pakistan. People shaped themselves as Al-Noor Mosque Christchurch, New Zealand to pay homage to the victims of the last month's terrorist attacks in Christchurch New Zealand. The solidarity event for martyrs of Christchurch incident was organized by MUSLIM Institute, a research based think-tank. The event formally began by recitation of Holy Quran. While addressing the participants, Chairman MUSLIM Institute Sahibzada Sultan Ahmad Ali said that the event is organized in solidarity with the martyrs of Christchurch to mark one month since the horrific tragedy took place. Through this peaceful expression of solidarity, people have given a strong message to the whole world that Islam is religion of peace. He further stated that such peaceful and huge expression has indeed proven the narrative of Muslims maintaining their peaceful society and cooperation among civilizations despite the rise of extreme tendencies in different parts of the world.
Participants of the event spoke in one voice and presented the Darood to Holy Prophet SAWW. They also chanted the slogan "Islam is peace" continuously for two minutes.
Sahibzada Sultan Ahmad Ali also commended the response by the people as well as the Prime Minister of New Zealand following the Christchurch tragedy. Collective Fatiha was also prayed for the martyrs of the Christchurch incident at the conclusion of the event.
Shrine of Hadrat Sultan Bahoo
Shorkot, Pakistan