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Pakistanis Show Solidarity With Azerbaijan
Human Model of
Victory Day of Azerbaijan
Karabakh is Azerbaijan
Organised By MUSLIM Institute
November 08, 2022
To mark the Victory Day of Azerbaijan – 8th November 2022 – MUSLIM Institute organized proceedings that featured a human model honouring the completion of two years since Azerbaijan’s victory in Karabakh. Thousands of Pakistanis came together at the Shrine of renowned Sufi Saint, Hadhrat Sultan Bahoo, near Shorkot, Pakistan, and arranged themselves in formation to spell out “Karabakh is Azerbaijan" and “Victory Day of Azerbaijan.” On the occasion, flags of Pakistan, Azerbaijan, and Turkey were also displayed. Participants chanted slogans of “Karabakh is Azerbaijan,” “Azerbaijan Pakistan Qardaş Qardaş,” and “Pakistan Celebrates Azerbaijan Victory.”
Click on banner to play compilation video of human model of Victory Day of Azerbaijan at YouTube.
On the occasion, Ambassador of Azerbaijan to Pakistan – H.E. Khazar Farhadov, and Dewan of Junagadh and Chairman of MUSLIM Institute – Sahibzada Sultan Ahmad Ali addressed the audience.
H.E. Khazar Farhadov (Ambassador of Azerbaijan to Pakistan) address on the occasion.
I am very thankful to MUSLIM Institute, to Your Excellency Sahibzada Sultan, and to my brothers for supporting Azerbaijan on this very special occasion. 8th November marks Victory Day in the Republic of Azerbaijan every year. Armenia kept 20 % of Azerbaijani territories under illegal occupation for almost 30 years. As a result of Armenia’s occupation policy and ethnic cleansing, more than one million Azerbaijanis became refugees and IDPs.

During the times of occupation, everything was razed into the ground in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan. 65 out of 67 mosques were destroyed and used as a pigsty or animal shelters. By doing so, they tried to insult the Muslim world and Islamic values. My brother Sahibzada sahib when visited Karabakh, he saw with his own eyes all these atrocities that Armenia did there.

During these years, brotherly Pakistan has always extended its full support to Azerbaijan both bilaterally and internationally. Pakistan was one of the first countries that recognized Azerbaijan’s independence in 1991 and has never recognized Armenia as a state because of Armenia’s policy of aggression toward Azerbaijan and illegally occupying Azerbaijan’s territories. At the same time, the first of 4 resolutions adopted by the UN Security Council in 1993 which demanded the complete, immediate, and unconditional withdrawal of Armenian troops from the occupied Azerbaijani territories was also adopted on the initiative, support, and under the chairmanship of Pakistan’s Permanent Representative to the UN at that time.
The 44 days of the Patriotic War that began on September 27, 2020, in response to the provocation of Armenia put an end to Armenia’s nearly 30-year-long policy of aggression. At the end of the 44-day Patriotic War, under the leadership of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces, President Ilham Aliyev, the Glorious Azerbaijani Army liberated our territories from Armenian occupation and ensured our territorial integrity. During the Patriotic War Pakistani Government, Parliament, people, and especially the MUSLIM Institute supported Azerbaijan politically and morally.

I extend my gratitude once again for this great support which means a lot to us. It is not just a coincidence that the Pakistani flag together with the Azerbaijani and Turkish flags are being waved in Azerbaijan as a sign of love, respect, and brotherhood. Pakistan’s further strong support to Azerbaijan in the reconstruction and rebuilding of the liberated territories is highly appreciated by Azerbaijan. 8 November – Victory Day is also a Glorious Day in the history of the Azerbaijan-Pakistan brotherhood. Azerbaijan – Pakistan Dosti Zindabad.
Sahibzada Sultan Ahmad Ali (Dewan of Junagadh and Chairman MUSLIM Institute) address on the occasion.
To support Azerbaijan on the Nagorno-Karabakh issue is among one of the ideological obligations of Pakistan. Owing to Armenia’s aggressive policies and annexation of Nagorno-Karabakh, Pakistan did not recognize Armenia.

Today, we are gathered here to celebrate the Victory Day of Azerbaijan. Through this event we hope to send a message to our Azerbaijani brothers and sisters that we are together through every thick and thin, and in war or peace. The human model made in Pakistan is a humble gift to our brothers and sisters of Azerbaijan which will further strengthen ties between the two brotherly countries. On the eve of the second Karabakh conflict, the founding father of the MUSLIM Institute, H.E. Sahibzada Sultan Muhammad Ali, also directed us to support Azerbaijan as much as possible either through scholarly articles from the platform of the MUSLIM Institute or through social media campaigns.
Click on banner to play compilation video of human model of Karabakh is Azerbaijan at YouTube.
Although I have always had love for the people of Azerbaijan, yet the intensity of love increased during one of my first visits to Azerbaijan. We had to go to offer Friday (jummah) prayers and a random taxi driver took us to the mosque and brought back to the hotel. When I asked him about taxi charges, he pointed towards my coat, which had the flag of Pakistan on it. He said, “Pakistan Azerbaijan brother, no money.” Despite my insistence, he continuously said, “You are my Pakistani brother. I can never take this money.” This was before the second Karabakh war. Earlier, for the first time, I went to Shamakhi to attend an intellectual gathering. This gathering was organized on the behalf of a famous Azerbaijani poet Imaduddin Nasimi. When the people who were there came to know that a delegation had come from Pakistan, they treated me with great love and respect. The prime reason for their love was the green crescent flag of Pakistan. After visiting Azerbaijan, I also had the opportunity to visit various other Islamic countries, however, the respect that I received from Azerbaijan was unprecedented.
On my most recent visit to Azerbaijan, I also visited several cities in Azerbaijan, including Baku, Shamakhi, Qibla, Ganja and others. In these cities, I saw the graves of martyrs of Azerbaijan. Flags of Azerbaijan, Pakistan, and Turkey were placed on these graves. This clearly shows the depth and strength of these relations. The need of the hour is that this relation of strong affection should also be translated into strong economic, cultural, technological, and educational cooperation.
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