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“Intellectual Dimensions of Hazrat Sultan Bahoo & International Peace” |
MUSLIM Institute in Collaboration With IRD & IIUI |
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Allama Iqbal Auditorium, Faisal Mosque Campus, International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan |
MUSLIM Institute in collaboration with Iqbal International Institute for Research & Dialogue, International Islamic University Islamabad organized a seminar on “Intellectual Dimensions of Hazrat Sultan Bahoo & International Peace” on Tuesday 7th May 2013 at Allama Iqbal Auditorium, Faisal Mosque Campus, International Islamic University, Islamabad. The seminar was divided in two sessions. Brief report of proceedings of the seminar is given below. |
Dr. Talib Hussain Sial |
Director Iqbal International Institute for Research & Dialogue, IIU Islamabad, Dr. Talib Hussain Sial modulated proceedings of the session. |
At the start of inaugural session, a documentary on Hazrat Sultan Bahoo was screened for the participants. The documentary highlighted poetical and prose work of Hazrat Sultan Bahoo. |
Sahibzada Sultan Ahmad Ali
Chairman MUSLIM Institute, Sahibzada Sultan Ahmad Ali inaugurating the seminar said that we are facing decline in three respects i.e. being human being, Muslim and Pakistani. Human society is divided in different groups and as a result, it is falling prey to hate. Mankind has made such weapons like Space Weapons which can destroy humanity in few minutes. On the other hand pluralistic vision of Islam as manifested by great Sufi saints, like Hazrat Sultan Bahoo played a vibrant role in bridging these differences. Hazrat Sultan Bahoo negates sectarianism and spreads the message of unity based on Oneness of God. He further said that unbiased people can make peaceful society. We have to gain knowledge for our intellect and spirit so that we can make peaceful society as Holy Prophet PBUH laid the foundation of a peculiar society by uniting the scattered Arabs one by one some 1400 hundred years ago and focusing on reformation of individuals. |
Senator Akram Zaki
Former Secretary General for Foreign Affairs, Senator Akram Zaki said that in sub-continent people accepted Islam due to efforts of Sufis and their character. Sufis actually reflected verses of Holy Quran and Hadith in their poetic verses and their message is the reflection of Quran and Sunnah. Hazrat Sultan Bahoo was a great saint and he not only spread Islam but also spread message of love, peace and harmony among non-Muslims. |
Dr. Mumtaz Ahmad
Executive Director IRD and Vice President IIUI, Dr. Mumtaz Ahmad addressing the seminar said that our society has become intolerant and we cannot tolerate the faith of other religions and even the sects of our own religion. He said that image of Sufis being in isolation is only a myth. Sufis have deep concerns about society, social reforms and justice. They devoted their whole life for the welfare of society and worked on humanitarian grounds. They stood against colonial powers and fought for the right of people. “Without social justice, we cannot bring peace in our society”, he added. |
Session Two |
Intellectual Dimension of Hazrat Sultan Bahoo& International Peace |
Mr. Abdul Basit Mujahid
Assistant Professor of History dept. AIOU, Mr. Abdul Basit Mujahid said that Holy Quran has drawn our attention towards the law of nature and it is full of moral teachings. Teachings of Sultan Bahoo are also reflection of Holy Quran. His concept of Nafs is interpretation of Holy Quran’s verses of love and he has focused on Ism-e-Azam. Sultan Bahoo’s major stress is on the purification of inner self and also on social justice. He further said that people, who lack in spirituality, lack in material life as well. |
Ms. Mussarrat Youssuf
Former Visiting Faculty European Peace University Austria and Phd Scholar at TIAC QAU, Ms. Mussarrat Youssuf said that Hazrat Sultan Bahoo focused on essence of things instead of apparent meanings. Hazrat Sultan Bahoo focused on Wahdat-ul-Maqsood. Without wasting time, we should focus on the objectives as emphasised by Hazrat Sultan Bahoo. She further said that role of spiritual mentor cannot be neglected and Hazrat Sultan Bahoo has explained importance of spiritual mentor. All the Sufis promoted same message.
Dr. Jameel Qalandar
Visiting Professor IIUI & Chairman QUL Foundation, Dr. Jameel Qalandar speaking on the occasion said that Hazrat Sultan Bahoo was a mystic philosopher, having particular view of the universe and ultimate reality. He has presented Tasawuf as super science. Today science is able to make one small chip which can carry knowledge of universe and this explains the fact that knowledge is in one point (Al IlmNuktatun). Inner struggle leads one towards faqr. We cannot go towards purity without teachings of Sultan Bahoo.
Mr. Gul Muhammad Rind
Federal Secretary, Ministry of National Heritage & Integration Mr. Gul Muhammad Rind addressing the seminar said that today we need to create awareness among our youth about message of Sufis. In this way we can make tolerant and peaceful society. In prevailing circumstances, this message is very important for Pakistan and its neighbors.
Sahibzada Sultan Ahmad Ali
Chairman MUSLIM Institute, Sahibzada Sultan Ahmad Ali concluding the seminar said that Hazrat Sultan Bahoo taught unity of purpose. He promoted Faqr more than tasawuf and liked istiqamat (persistence) instead of stages and karamat. Allama Iqbal and Hazrat Sultan Bahoo emphasized on Faqr because it is not dependent on any one (la yahtaaaj). He further said that our success lies in Holy Quran and Sunnah and in adopting sharia.
Besides representatives of all sections of society, the seminar was attended by foreign diplomats, renowned analysts, professors and students of various universities, members of research organizations and a large number of journalists and academics. |
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