Round Table Discussion on
Analyzing Current Situation of Indian Occupied Kashmir
Organized by MUSLIM Institute |
MUSLIM Institute organized a round table discussion on “Analyzing Current Situation of Indian Occupied Kashmir” at National library, Islamabad on July 14, 2016. The purpose of RTD was to analyze prevailing situation in Kashmir, to convey the perspective and viewpoint of Kashmiri people to the world and to express solidarity with Kashmiris. Sarwar Naqvi, former Ambassador, presided over the session while other worthy speakers were Altaf Hussain Wani, Leader All Parties Hurriyat Conference, Syed Naseem Yousaf, Convener APHC AJK & Pakistan, Rana Abdul Baqi, Chairman Quaid Iqbal Fikri Forum, and Tahir Mahmood, Public Relations Coordinator MUSLIM Institute. Dr. Oya Akgonenc Mugisuddin, HOD of International relations Dept. UFUK University Ankara, Turkey shared her views through video link. Research Associate MUSLIM Institute Ahmed AlQadri made the introductory presentation on the occasion. Eminent scholars, social activists, researchers, university professors and students, foreign delegates and journalists participated in the discussion.
Honorable speakers expressing their views observed as under:
The speakers showed their deep concern that Indian aggression and brutality over Kashmiris elapses more than six decades. However, Indian forces have broken all records of violence and bloodshed in the recent massacre in which they killed 36 innocent Kashmiris and injured 1400, according to doctors more than hundred eye surgeries has been done in the last few days and they said "All of them could lose their eyesight,“ due to excessive use of tear gas, Air gun and rubber pallets by Indian army, even the puppet Chief Minister of Occupied Kashmir declared such acts of cruelty and brutality as completely illegal and unconstitutional. Indian government is responsible for this critical situation in Kashmir because it has not only illegal occupation of Kashmir but also initiated demographic changes through Hindu Settlements. Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) announced its policy over Kashmir in its election campaign. They planned to do amendment in article 370 under which Kashmir has special status within Indian constitution. Demographic changes in Indian Occupied Kashmir (IOK) are its top priority. Now they are building colonies for Hindu Pundits in Valley which is totally illegal even under article 370 of constitution of India. Industrial policy (to let non-Kashmiris lease land in region adopted in May 2016) which is as reported in Turkish news agency “an attempt by India to undermine the region’s autonomy and ultimately alter its demographic composition.” Such brutal actions have brought protests in streets, markets and everywhere. Meanwhile, there has been escalation in protest due to brutal murder of young Hurriyat leader Burhan Wani.
Under illegal occupation Indian forces have killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people, raped women, destroyed houses, disappearing young ones, fake encounters, and arrested Kashmiri youth without crime. Instead of fulfilling its promise of self-determination, India tried to justify its occupation through rigged elections and puppet governments which has been continuously rejected by Kashmiri people.
Due to restrictions on international bodies and independent organizations for free investigation in IOK, there is no complete record of Indian atrocities committed from 1947 to 1989. A large scale freedom struggle started in 1989 after rigged election of 1987. To suppress this struggle Indian armed forces brutally replied to demand for right of self-determination. After 9/11 attacks Indian tried to malign the freedom struggle with terrorism but it failed. Indian army tried to get more secured license to kill Kashmiri youth on the label of terrorist. Persistent struggle of Kashmiris for their freedom however, has surprised the world. According to Kashmir Media Service, there had been 94,345 total killings in IOK from the year 1989 to 2016, out of which 7,046 were custodial killings. About 134,115 civilians have been arrested and 106,064 structures burned or destroyed. About 22,813 women were widowed and 107,566 children were orphaned, number of raped cases recorded are 10,181.
Burhan Wani is not first Kashmiri who has been killed by India, thousands were killed earlier. The Indian government is trying to handle this situation by aggression and suppressing the public opinion. Kashmiri leaders such as Syed Ali Gillani, Shabeer Hussain Shah, Yaseen Malik, Mir Waiz Umar Farooq and others have been besieged in their homes. Even they were not allowed to commemorate Kashmir Martyrs Day. Journalists are not allowed to go to such areas and all means of communication including mobile and internet service has been terminated so that world could not get any idea about atrocities and killings in Kashmir.
International political system has gone through a continuous process of erosion in terms of its importance its role, its authority and efficacy over the last few decades. It has fallen victim to the unipolarity and new unipolarity. Setting aside UN resolution is one thing but setting aside of a cardinal principle of the UN Charter (principle of right of self-determination) is altogether different. We cannot set aside the principle, we must remain steadfast whatever happens or whatever sacrifice it demands. Indian government is showing stubbornness to the international opinion as well as UN resolutions on the Kashmir. Unfortunately due to unipolarity, Might is Right principle is adopted. Washington always moves to side with India’s stance. Washington recognizes officially that Kashmir dispute is there. It recognizes that the people of Kashmir have the right to decide their future but it is not ready to take stand or force India.
Speakers also highlighted that India is using false propaganda to hide the ground realities and trying to declare freedom movement as a mere act of terrorism and extremism. On the other hand, the struggle for freedom and right of self-determination cannot be considered terrorism according to UN resolutions. India is instead involved in state terrorism by killing innocent, unarmed and helpless Kashmiri people. The speakers urged the international community to declare India as terrorist country. Pakistan is playing its part but it should raise the voice more strongly against Indian atrocities and our masses should also express their concern and continue moral support through social media for innocent Kashmiris whose life has become miserable in Occupied Kashmir.
The speakers also condemned the silence of world media, champions of democracies and human rights organizations for not openly condemning the Indian aggression. They also urged Islamic countries and OIC to play an effective role in this regard. The international organizations for human rights should utilize their resources and efforts to make draconian laws in Kashmir null and void. Especially, there is urgent need to work for rights of Kashmiri women.
Speakers also demanded the international organizations of journalists to pressurize India to let journalists and media to enter Occupied Kashmir to show the true picture to the world. Islamic countries ought to record protest in Indian Embassies in their respective countries to pressurize Indian government so that Kashmiris may get right of self-determination according to UN resolution and make the ultimate decision about their very future. Although this dispute has been called the ‘powder keg & flash point in the region’ by knowledgeable scholars and statesmen, it has not drawn focused interest of the international community. Urgent measure required to avoid more killings of innocent people. UN and International community must realize the situation and force India that it must avoid brutal force on Kashmiris.
Kashmir issue has become the victim of regional and global geopolitics. Owing to the unflinching struggle of Kashmiris, there lies a hope that it will be eventually fruitful. Recently, OIC passed a strong resolution in the favor Kashmir cause. Pakistani diplomacy is also in action to project the Kashmir cause on various forums. Likewise, prime minister of Pakistan, chief of army staff and Pakistani ambassador for the USA also issued strong statements in the favor of Kashmir cause. However, there remains a lot to be done for Kashmir. International community will have to accept the will of Kashmiri population. We should hold our footings strong and fulfill our obligations to Kashmiris relentlessly and unflinchingly.
Based on discussion and speeches of speakers, following recommendations have been derived:
International community should pressurize India to stop killing and brutalizing people of Indian occupied Kashmir.
International media and other Human rights institutions should have open access to Indian occupied Kashmir.
The human rights organizations should take notice of flagrant violations of fundamental human rights by Indian state apparatus and declare the same as state terrorism.
International community should exert pressure on India so that the right of self-determination is dispensed to the people of Kashmir according to UN resolutions and freedom struggle of Kashmiri people should be recognized.
The black laws imposed by India in the IOK should be abolished and UN should play its role in this regard.
UN should appoint Special Envoy for Kashmir to ensure sanctity of human rights.
UN should take notice of illegal Hindu settlements in Indian occupied Kashmir which are intended for demographic changes.
Pakistan should adhere to its principled stance of right of self-determination for the people of Kashmir, and Muslim countries should put diplomatic and political pressure on India to held plebiscite in Kashmir according to UN resolutions.
Pakistan should contact and brief the United Nations Security Council on current situation in Kashmir.
Government of Pakistan should call a Joint Session of the parliament on the current situation of Kashmir as well as an All Parties Conference on Kashmir Issue.
Government of Pakistan should hold special summit of the foreign ministers of the OIC countries to rally support for taking up the matter of prevailing situation in occupied Kashmir at international forums including UNSC.
Pakistan must engage International Human rights organizations, EU Countries, and US Congress to expose Indian state-sponsored brutalities against innocent civilians in IOK. Pakistani diaspora abroad should mobilize to hold protests to highlight Indian excesses in IOK and also to press for early resolution of Kashmir issue in line with UN resolutions.
Pakistan should not show haste for dialogue with India until unless India is ready to talk on the settlement of Kashmir dispute.