A Rally on
Kashmir Solidarity Day
Organized by MUSLIM Institute
MUSLIM Institute organized a rally from China Chowk to National Press Club Islamabad on Kashmir Solidarity Day, February 05, 2017. Chairman MUSLIM Institute, Sahibzada Sultan Ahmad Ali, MNA & Chairman Standing Committee on Kashmir & Gilgit Baltistan, Malik Ibrar Ahmad, Leaders of All Parties Huriyyat Conference Ms. Shameem Shal, Mr. Ghulam Nabi Butt and others led the rally and shared their views. A large number of people from different walks of life including civil society, politicians, students, lawyers and journalists actively participated in the rally. Participants of rally chanted slogans while carrying placards and banners inscribed with the demands for immediate end of brutalities of Indian forces in IOK, right of self-determination for Kashmiris as well as profound tributes to their struggle for independence. They also displayed solidarity with Kashmiris and condemned state terrorism by Indian forces in the occupied territory while demanding serious efforts by international community for the settlement of the Kashmir issue.
Speakers expressed their views that in past 69 years particularly in last eight months India is involved in state terrorism in Indian occupied Kashmir (IOK), and used barbaric force to suppress Kashmiris and by the use of pallet guns blinded young people and innocent children and artificial food scarcity is created in the state. By imposing black laws and employing violent force Indian occupied forces are brutalizing Kashmiri people despite the fact that Kashmiri people have not surrendered in front of brutal force and with each passing day Kashmir movement is getting more zeal and zest. Steadfastness of Kashmiris has proved that they are not going to accept any option other than freedom. Even in the cross firing Kashmiris raise the slogan that we will take freedom, freedom is our right, we will snatch freedom and Kashmir will become part of Pakistan.
Due to state terrorism India has gained no support on international level and no one supports India’s stance on this issue. Through its propaganda machine India wanted to show the world that Kashmir struggle is terrorist and separatist movement but badly failed. Contrary to this the just and peaceful Kashmiri struggle is getting support in United Nations and Europe. International media is denied any access in IOK despite the fact atrocities committed against Kashmiri people are being condemned at international level. The prevalent situation of blatant violations of Human rights in IOK also urge for an unbiased investigation. Kashmir freedom movement has proved to the International world that Kashmiri people are brave, high minded and freedom fighter and who didn’t compromise their determination of freedom for any greed or compensation. This is the reason why hearts of Pakistani people beats with Kashmiri people and Pakistanis are standing alongside Kashmiris till the Day of Judgment. As the Pakistani flag is waived on the funerals of Kashmiri likewise Pakistanis support Kashmiri people and will leave no stone unturned for their right and will offer any kind of sacrifice. Souls of Pakistanis shiver when Kashmiris raise the slogans ‘Kashmir will become Pakistan’.
An analysis of Kashmir issue from historical view point manifests that India promised Kashmiris the right of self-determination under the umbrella of United Nations’ Security Council. Recorded assertions of former Indian Prime Minister Jawahar Lal Nehru in UN further strengthen this precept. Later on, Indian leadership averted back from its promises and started declaring Kashmir as its integral part. UN resolutions clearly endorse the plebiscite in the presence of a neutral observer and Kashmiris will be free in choosing their accession with Pakistan or India. Indian dogmatism has been the sole impediment regarding UN’s failure in implementing resolutions addressing Kashmir dispute. Quaid-e-Azam declared Kashmir jugular vein of Pakistan just because of cultural and ideological association between Kashmiris and Pakistanis even Pakistan’s land is dependent upon rivers flowing from the valley of Kashmir. India is tightening its perpetual hold over the valley day to day. It does not care about the brutality of machinations committed against Kashmiris in order to prolong its hold. India is further machinating to subdue the special constitutional status of Kashmir which is absolutely illegal and immoral. Furthermore, international community has also condemned it.
Speakers stressed upon Pakistani government to further escalate efforts in order to re-energize Kashmir issue at international level. They further emphasized the need of encouraging diplomats designated in foreign embassies to highlight political, diplomatic and historical perspectives regarding Kashmir issue in front of international community in general and international leaders in particular. Government of Pakistan should make it clear to international community that regional peace is directly proportional to the settlement of Kashmir issue. India and Pakistan hold nuclear arms and there exists potential threat of becoming Kashmir dispute, a nuclear flash point. The issue should immediately be resolved in accordance with UN’s resolutions. Re-structuring of Kashmir committee is of prime importance, it will help in highlighting the issue at parliamentary level. In the wake of becoming world, a global village, it is our social as well as moral responsibility to mobilize all possible means to highlight the issue particularly on social media.
With the end of rally, Chairman Muslim Institute, Sahibzada Sultan Ahmad Ali visited United Nations Office in Islamabad and presented memorandum of Kashmir issue to resident coordinator UN, Mr. Neil Buhne, addressing to the Secretary General of United Nations, António Guterres to take notice of the recent cruel actions of India in IOK, which also stated that wails and woes of Kashmiri people, struggling for their right of self-determination remind UNO to play its role to resolve the issue according to UNSC resolutions by providing the basic human right (right of self-determination) to the people of Jammu & Kashmir.