MUSLIM Institute and Iqbal International Institute for Research and Dialogue International Islamic University organized a seminar titled “Iqbal’s Message of Peace, Muhabat Fateh-e-Alam” on the 68th Death Anniversary of Allama Iqbal, at International Islamic University, Islamabad. Eminent scholars and political leaders participated in the seminar and expressed their views on the subject. Ambassador of Tajikistan in Pakistan His Excellency Sher Ali Jananov, President IIUI Dr. Ahmed Yousaf Al Dariweesh, Former chairman of the senate standing committee on foreign affairs, Akram Zaki, Executive Director IRD Dr. Husnul Amin, Head of Cultural and Press Section, Embassy of Germany Dr. Dan Tidten, Director IRD, Dr. Talib Hussain Sial, Renowned poet and intellectual, Prof. Jalil Aali, Principle Post Graduate College for women Rawalpindi, Dr. Aalia Sohail Khan, and famous scholar of Iqbal’s teaching, Dr. Ayub Sabir shared their views in the seminar. Foreign delegates, professors and students of universities, scholars and researchers from different institutions, analysts and media persons actively participated in the seminar.